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Alger Electric understands that lighting can be the difference between making a new customer by creating a safe and welcoming environment or having your home or business be targeted for crime or ignored entirely. That’s why we pride ourselves in attractive lighting solutions for every application, at competative rates. Let us light up your world today.
Office: Facade, Parking, Reception, Corridors, Open plan office, Meeting rooms
Hospitality: Facade, reception & lobby, bars, restaurants, lounges, hallways, guest rooms, suites, wellness, conference, meeting areas
Industry: Car parks & outdoor areas, Offices, Warehouses, Production areas, HACCP areas, Control rooms
Home: Living, Bathroom, Home office, Kitchen, Bedroom, Outdoors
Retail & Supermarkets: Counter & cashier desks, selling floor, aisles, racks, shelves, displays, store architecture, changing rooms, food areas, promo goods, freezers, coolers
Outdoor: Architecture, City Centers, Residential areas, Minor roads, Sports & Recreation
Gas Stations: Area & Road, Canopy, Shop, Freezer & Cooler
Healthcare: Examination rooms, patient rooms, waiting rooms, corridors, entrance, shops, parking, outside areas, facade
Entertainment: Concert lighting, Theatre, Film & television, Theme parks, Museum, Cinema, DJ & Club